Riviera PvE - Free Deed - Epic - Bounties - Modded

Riviera PvE - Free Deed - Epic - Bounties - Modded
Server Information
Address riviera.thahenry.de
Hostname Riviera PvE - Free Deed - Epic - Bounties - Modded
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 4 / 250
Location Europe
Platform Linux
Map Riviera
Website https://thahenry.com
Registered by Henry
Registered since May 16th, 2019 01:53 AM EST
Last update November 5th, 2022 05:45 AM EST
Tag(s) Creative Modded PvE

Discord Server

Vote(s) 309
Rank 3
Score 492
Favorited 8
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Introducing Riviera!
A giant island-cluster separated by rivers and lakes, can you survive it?
Although the server is older, there is plenty of good land to claim. Deeding is free and 3s will be placed in the settlement upkeep fund on founding.
The community is active and friendly, the staff team are constantly working on improving the server and are responsive to feedback.
We have players from a range of time zones worldwide.

When you join, you will spawn in Rivia, a starting city including a marketplace with player merchants, some facilities to do some basic skilling, a public mine nearby, free basic horses, a julboard (fill your food bars!) and a random spawn portal that can teleport you to a random location on the map (if you choose to use it). If you don't like where you end up, you can right click any ground tile and teleport back to Rivia to try again.

You can check out the servers livemap here and use the chatcommand /location in game to get your current location.
On the livemap you can see a hostile heatmap and reported unique creatures.

We have lots of mods on the server to improve quality of life – check our website for the list: https://thahenry.com/riviera/features

We run events on the weekends, and often there are larger events such as rifts and other special invasion events where you can acquire special loot such as sorcery tomes, different kingdom wagons, cosmetic items, rift resources and moon metals. On special days in the calendar (eg. Valentine's, Easter, Christmas) you will receive or be able to win special gift packs.
If you like puzzles, there are many mysteries to discover here too...

We have a Discord server with a chat relay bot so you can keep in touch even when you're not in game.

Server Info
Name: Riviera PvE - Free Deed - Epic - Bounties - Modded
IP: riviera.thahenry.de
Port: 3724
Server-Location: EU(Germany)
Est. 09. February 2019

General Settings
Map Size: 4096x4096
PvE (No PvP)
Epic Skill Curve (Increased Skillgain & Scaling)
Skill gain rate multiplier : 3x
Action Timer multiplier : 3x
Max Creatures : 35.000
Aggro Creatures : 35%
Freedom Kingdom