Sitheil Bay PVE 5x/2x, whiteList,

Server Information
Hostname Sitheil Hills PVE 10x/5x, whiteListed - apply to join
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 232
Location Canada
Platform Windows
Map SithHills
Registered by Batta
Registered since September 29th, 2022 06:32 AM EST
Last update September 29th, 2022 06:43 AM EST
Tag(s) Creative Modded PvE

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 37
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

5x skill gain / 2x action timers

Custom 2048map, 15,000 creatures, 90% aggressive. We will increase the creature count as needed.

Minimal starting gear: just a backpack, deed stake, mirror to choose your face, and 10-slot toolbelt. There is a very easy Spawn Mission you can complete if you want to gain the rest of your (impable) starter gear, or you're welcome to skip it and make them yourself.

Skills start at 10, Fighting starts at 40. Characteristics begin at 40 and increase quickly. You will be able to ride a horse and load a cart immediately. Movemod makes players, horses, unicorns, carts, wagons, and ships much faster.
Sitheil Bay is intended for mature, tidy, cooperative players who understand the importance of rules in any game.

Think of Wurm and its mods and rules as a deck of cards: we shuffle it our own particular way to create a game that appeals to a certain type of player and not to others. If you object to anything about the way we have set this “Sitheil” game up, then you are on the wrong server.
WHITELIST: Most of the time, the server will be open only to players who are on our whiteList. If you have played with us before, or if you have read through our Rules and love the way we do things, then you are welcome to send Batta a PM on Discord (SitheilWU) to apply to be added.

Our players all naturally share the same play style: they always avoid littering, never leave corpses or tree trunks behind, take only the minimum that they need from public areas, confine their mining to on-deed only, respect other people’s space, and do their best to be an unobtrusive neighbour.

If you think you’d be a good match for this server, please consider the following before you apply:
- You must understand, agree with, and be able to follow all our RULES all the time with no excuses
- You must join our DISCORD channel so you can check there for updates and news

If this all sounds great to you, and you are looking to join a small community of good people with very strict rules, please send Batta a PM to apply for our whiteList.