The Immortal Forest

The Immortal Forest
Server Information
Hostname The Immortal Forest of Brocéliande, Login server - Mol Rehan 4
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 232
Location Zimbabwe
Platform Windows
Map Broceliande
Registered by Angie
Registered since September 30th, 2022 05:14 AM EST
Last update October 1st, 2022 02:37 AM EST
Vote(s) 116
Rank 7
Score 186
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Game Management:
Angie :Owner and-GM/In game help/Builder for the Servers/Creations of Events/Website maintenance/Discord maintenance/Donations management
Rake : Hosting compagny and Maintenance of the Servers/Mods maintenance/Technicals problems manager
Stroam: GM/In game help

Opened for the first time in Jully 2017, we have the desire to keep the server as long as possible, this is why we are naming our server ''the Immortal Forest" !

If you take the time to visit the Immortal Forest, you will find not one but two maps where it's free to settle and where there is no upkeep !

You will enter the Forest in the Mol Rehan Kingdom and will have to make a choice: settle on the main map ''Dessertion'': The Kingdom of Mol Rehan, which will provide you a X10 action/skill gain, 60,000 creatures and 60% hostiles on 4096X4096 map made by us with mountains, rivers and lakes. You will find the security so start in Avalon where you will find all you need to start increase your skills without starve and will be protected by a spirit Templar! You will find from here a system of teleporters to make your journey faster across the large map. All the teleporters having been decorated with care to make travel more interesting. Some of the scenery includes: the small merchant harbor, the fishing port, the rice fields, the swimming pool, the hut of the witch and many others.

Your second choice will be to settle on the second map ''Affliction'': map of the horde of the summoned, in other words: the kingdom of the horror, where you will have to work hard for to stay alive, with a X1 action/skill gain, 10 000 creatures, 95% hostiles on a 1024X1024 map, no starter town, and no one to help you! (or yes maybe if you accept to play with other players), where the bravest of our players will certainly try to find the valrei and rift creatures that spawn only on this map.

The maps are linked, allowing the Mol rehan players to come and go in order to try go kill the Valrei and Rift Creatures.

On both maps, to make your life easier, we are using many mods.

Note: GM Angie is willing to speak in French in private message if anyone needs it.

For everyone and especially for those who cannot play to often: you will be able to find your deed without worrying about your crops that will never rot. It's free to settle, and there is no upkeep, So money will never be a problem!

We also schedule events to make your game even more diverse, and new areas are added frequently.

So take 5 min and come try the adventure! We have a group of very active and friendly players, everyone here will welcome you warmly!

Visit our website , make sure to check out the rules page to see if we will be a good fit for you.