The Endless Isles

The Endless Isles
Server Information
Hostname The Endless Isles
Status Checked 57 minutes ago / Online 15 days ago
Players 0 / 244
Location United States of America
Platform Windows
Map Ocrea
Registered by Kiama
Registered since November 30th, 2022 01:25 PM EST
Last update January 4th, 2023 07:30 AM EST
Tag(s) Creative Modded PvE

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 136
Score 0
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Game Modes

This server introduces game modes, or classes. These introduce significant but optional gameplay variations. To play with a particular class, your name needs to start with the name of the class (capitalisation doesn't matter). So for example, to play with an Iron character, I would make a character called IronKiama.


To play with the Trader class, make a character starting with 'Trader'.

Traders travel the world buying and selling to amass riches. They can interact with Merchant Camps and Merchant Ships, which they see the location of due to Trader-only beacons above them.

Traders trade with credits, a money system exclusive to them. It can only be used to interact with Merchant Depots (Camps and Ships).

At Merchant Depots, Traders can buy and sell goods, as well as buy Core Skills. Each Merchant Depot has 2 buy orders, 2 sell orders, and a Core Skill to purchase. The orders change every time the Trader's current credits change, while the Core Skill doesn't.

Core Skills cannot be purchased twice. There is no limit to how many Core Skills a Trader can buy but the price doubles every time and a Trader must find the Depot that has the Core Skill they want."

Traders can trade either from their own inventory or from a vehicle. To trade from a vehicle, they must 'designate' a vehicle as their trading vessel. This can be undone or changed at any time. If the Trader has a designated trading vessel, goods will be bought and sold from their vehicle instead of their inventory. Goods can also be sold from bulk containers in their designated vehicle.

Traders can become arbitrarily rich, but their effect on the economy is limited due to their goods always being 1 quality. Traders' primary incentive for participating in the trading minigame is to buy Core Skills; however, they do eventually get access to rare Drake materials.


Loyal characters are not credited by the passive income, and do not start with any items. Loyal characters are a solution for those who want alts without introducing any unfairness. However, if you are making a second character that is not going to interact with your previous characters in any way, you don't need to make them Loyal characters.


Iron accounts start with no items, have 1x skill gain, spawn in a completely random spot on the server, and whenever they die they go to another random spot on the server.


To play with the Fae class, make a character starting with 'Fae'.
Fae have a Heart tree that they spawn and respawn at. Their Heart tree is the source of their alchemising power so they must ensure it is never cut down. They can always see their home with a home beacon above it (and have a mechanism for determining the exact tree, since it can be tricky in the forest to see the beacon).
Fae are most at home in the forest. They can't survive underground and die in water.
Fae can choose 10 core skills that level up at 4x speed (other skills level up at 2x). They start with a Fae Soul and a Fae Amulet. Fae can do Fae Alchemy by using the Fae Amulet inside the Fae Soul (see Fae Alchemy).
Fae can verify which tree is their Heart tree by alchemising on the tile. If it is their Heart tree, they get a message to that effect. If they are not on their Heart tree, they will be told whether they are closer than the last time they alchemised.

To see more about Fae, check the Fae class page in-game.


To play with the Dwarf class, make a character starting with 'Dwarf'.
Dwarves spawn underground and always respawn there. They spawn with a pickaxe, a large maul, a chisel, a carving knife, a flint and steel, a pelt, 10 kindling, and a barrel of dwarven ale. They can choose 10 core skills that level up at 4x speed (other skills level up at 2x).
Dwarves have an alternate Mining system. Dwarves mine coal instead of slate, for example. Clay instead of tin. Ironwood instead of iron. Sand instead of sandstone. Lichens (mushrooms) instead of many other ores.
But of course Dwarves have a way to mine metals too - they can mine pure metals - including alloys and glimmersteel - from stone depending on the configuration of veins adjacent to the target wall (including diagonal adjacency).

To see more about Dwarves, check the Dwarf class page in-game.

And that's all I have space for with the character limit here. There's loads and loads more to this server. Check the discord or forum or the in-game interactive info screen.