Seattle Sanctuary

Seattle Sanctuary
Server Information
Hostname Seattle Sanctuary
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 150
Location United States of America
Platform Windows
Map Darokin2
Registered by JaggedEdgeProductions
Registered since October 24th, 2023 03:20 PM EST
Last update November 9th, 2023 05:52 PM EST
Tag(s) Creative Modded PvE
Vote(s) 0
Rank 42
Score 5
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Custom map, 3x action timer, 0.3x skill gain

Description to be updated with more info soon...

4K Massive Custom Map
Website address will be updated soon!
Temporary web address for live map :

*Skill Gain 0.3x
*Action Speed 3.0x

FULL Recipe Book!!! All 581 recipes known to everyone!

Mods List:
*Announcer - Announces when players join / leave server
*Crop Mod - No Rot, No Weeds, skill 10/20/30 can sow, farm, harvest, replant up to 3x3 in one action (must have 30 farming skill)
*DigToGround - When digging, dirt goes to the ground, in the cart, or on the dredging boat.
*Hitching Post - start with two wooden beams, then add 4x large nails, 8x planks, 2x iron ribbons, 8x small nails, and 3x wooden beams
*Harvest Helper - Tells you the season with /seasons.
*Bounty - Get awarded coin for killing creatures
*Inbreed Warning - Warns if trying to breed animals of close relativity
*Starter Gear - Modified starting gear (custom set for this server specifically)
*Increase Merchant Items - Personal Merchants can now hold up to 150 items to sell on this server
*Fire Burn Time - Displays pretty much the exact time until a fire becomes a layer of glowing coals.
*Fishmonger - Sell fish to make some money, activate fish and right click fishmonger to sell your fish for coin

*Treasure Hunting - find maps when digging or mining, then find the chest
*Burn on Karma - Burning corpses gives money and karma
*Location Command - type /location to get an idea of where you are
*Pick More Sprouts - pick up to 5 sprouts at once
*Hitch Limits - configure what animals can be hitched to carts/wagons.
*Action Timers Fix - Fixes many action timers that ignore the action time multiplier setting

*Treasure Chest Claim - Allows players to "claim" random treasure chests, unlocking the chest and rewarding the players with some karma.
*Highway Portals - Player craft able portals that allow teleporting between deeds on the same highway network.
*Waxed Food - Allows preserving food items using beeswax (items are no longer edible or usable in recipes but turn into decorations instead)
*Fishy Tweaks - on screen notification when a fish bites, caught fish can be automatically stored and much much more.
*Putting Stuff On Tables - putting items on a table or other stuff / add new furniture or items
*Custom NPC - Random NPCs that wander around (after configured)
*Non combat pets (Mini-pets) - Non-combat pets are small companions that can follow you around, they do not fight.
*Planters Mod - craft able large planters, wood or stone version, that can be painted
*Tent Sleep - you can sleep in tents including sleep bonus.
*Shipping Trade Route - make ship routes with a new trade storage bin where players can earn money for bringing stuff from one point to another one.
*Dye Maker - Add an item that make creation of many colors of dye possible.
*Painting Mod - Craft able portraits and landscapes with frames in all the woods possible
*Decorations Mod - Craft able toys and a playable chessboard
*Dragon Mounts - Allows breedable, rideable, tamable Drakes to be enabled in Wurm.
*Kingdom Items - Enables the creation of PMK wagons, banners, and flags not normally able to be crafted.
*Tabards - A mod that allows the creation of PMK kingdom tabards to be worn by players.
*PhobiaMod - replace Spiders with Black Bears / Fiends
*Discord relay - connect your server chat/trade and more to your discord.
*DuskCombat- Full combat system rewrite.
*Craft More Things - Allows for the creation of an array of new items previously uncraftable.
*Log wall panels - Allows for the creation of mock log facades to imitate the effect of a log home.
*Simple Concrete - Allows for the simple creation of concrete using just clay and rock shards.
*Buyer Merchant - Introduces a new type of NPC, based on the merchant, that will buy items from players instead of selling them.
*Crafter - A new type of NPC who accepts orders from players for items to be improved in return for money.
*Delivery Contracts - A new type of contract that facilitates placing heavy items on a merchant.
*VoteReward - A mod that allows hosts to reward players with coins for voting on Custom messages, reward amounts